38 • VideoFlexible Recording: Changing theShutter SpeedSelect the [ PROGRAM AE] recordingprogram to use functions like the whitebalance or image effects, or use[ SHUTTER-PRIO.AE] to give priorityto the shutter speed.Use faster shutter speeds to recordsubjects moving quickly; use slowershutter speeds to add motion blur,emphasizing the feel of movement.POINTS TO CHECKMode switch:Options Default value[ PROGRAM AE]Desired recording programWhen you select [ SHUTTER-PRIO.AE], a numeric value will appearnext to the recording program icon.1 If the joystick guide appears on thescreen, press to hide it.2 Adjust ( ) the shutter speed tothe desired value.Shutter speed guidelinesNote that on screen only thedenominator is displayed – [ 250]indicates a shutter speed of 1/250second, etc.* mode only.** mode only.NOTES• [ SHUTTER-PRIO.AE]- When setting the shutter speed, thenumber displayed will flash if theshutter speed selected is notappropriate for the recordingconditions. In such case, select adifferent value.- If you use a slow shutter speed in darkplaces, you can obtain a brighterimage, but the image quality may belower, and the autofocus may not workwell.- The image may flicker when recordingwith fast shutter speeds.( 21)[ PROGRAM AE]The camcorder automatically adjusts theaperture and shutter speed to obtain theoptimal exposure for the subject.[ SHUTTER-PRIO.AE]Set the shutter speed value. The camcorderautomatically sets the appropriate aperturevalue.TO SET THE SHUTTER SPEEDFUNC.FUNC.1/2*, 1/4*, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30To record in dimly lit places.1/60To record under most ordinary conditions.1/100To record indoor sports scenes.1/250, 1/500, 1/1000**To record from within a moving car or train or toshoot fast-moving subjects such as rollercoasters.1/2000**To record outdoor sports scenes on sunny days.