Parking Brake and AutomaticTransmission Park (P) MechanismCheck{ CAUTION:When you are doing this check, your vehiclecould begin to move. You or others could beinjured and property could be damaged. Makesure there is room in front of your vehicle incase it begins to roll. Be ready to apply theregular brake at once should the vehicle beginto move.Park on a fairly steep hill, with the vehicle facingdownhill. Keeping your foot on the regular brake,set the parking brake.• To check the parking brake’s holding ability:With the engine running and transmission inNEUTRAL (N), slowly remove foot pressure fromthe regular brake pedal. Do this until the vehicle isheld by the parking brake only.• To check the PARK (P) mechanism’s holding ability:With the engine running, shift to PARK (P). Thenrelease the parking brake followed by the regularbrake.Contact your dealer/retailer if service is required.Underbody Flushing ServiceAt least every spring, use plain water to flush anycorrosive materials from the underbody. Take care toclean thoroughly any areas where mud and other debriscan collect.Tire Sealant and Compressor KitCheck the sealant expiration date printed on theinstruction label of the Tire Sealant and CompressorKit (if equipped) at least once a year. See yourdealer/retailer for a replacement canister.6-13