OnStar Steering Wheel ControlsYour vehicle may have a Talk/Mute button that canbe used to interact with OnStar Hands-Free Calling.See Audio Steering Wheel Controls on page 3-124 formore information.On some vehicles, you may have to hold the button fora few seconds and give the command “ONSTAR” toactivate the OnStar Hands-Free Calling.On some vehicles, the mute button can be used todial numbers into voicemail systems, or to dial phoneextensions. See the OnStar Owner’s Guide formore information.How OnStar Service WorksYour vehicle’s OnStar system has the capabilityof recording and transmitting vehicle information.This information is automatically sent to an OnStarCall Center at the time of an OnStar button press,Emergency button press or if your airbags or AACNsystem deploys. The vehicle information usually includesyour GPS location and, in the event of a crash, additionalinformation regarding the accident that your vehicle hasbeen involved in (e.g. the direction from which yourvehicle was hit). When you use the Virtual Advisor featureof OnStar Hands-Free Calling, your vehicle also sendsOnStar your GPS location so that we can provide youwith location-based services.OnStar service cannot work unless your vehicle is in aplace where OnStar has an agreement with a wirelessservice provider for service in that area. OnStar servicealso cannot work unless you are in a place where thewireless service provider OnStar has hired for that areahas coverage, network capacity and reception when theservice is needed, and technology that is compatiblewith the OnStar service. Not all services are availableeverywhere, particularly in remote or enclosed areas,or at all times.Location information about your vehicle is only availableif the GPS satellite signals are unobstructed andavailable.Your vehicle must have a working electrical system(including adequate battery power) for the OnStarequipment to operate. There are other problems OnStarcannot control that may prevent OnStar from providingOnStar service to you at any particular time or place.Some examples are damage to important parts of yourvehicle in an accident, hills, tall buildings, tunnels,weather or wireless phone network congestion.Your ResponsibilityIncrease the radio volume if you cannot hear the OnStaradvisor. If the light next to the OnStar buttons is red, thismeans that your system is not functioning properly andshould be checked by your dealer/retailer. If the lightappears clear (no light is appearing), your OnStarsubscription has expired. You can always press theOnStar button to confirm that your OnStar equipmentis active.2-57