Oil Pressure LightYour vehicle may have thisfeature.If the vehicle has an oil problem, this light may stay onafter the engine is started, or come on while you aredriving.This light indicates that oil is not going through theengine quickly enough to keep it lubricated. The enginecould be low on oil or could have some other oilproblem. Have it fixed right away.The oil light could also come on in the followingsituations:• The light will come on briefly when the ignition isturned on to show that it is working properly. If itdoes not come on with the ignition on, there maybe a problem with the fuse or bulb. Have itfixed right away.• Sometimes when the engine is idling at a stop, achime will sound and the light may blink on andoff. This is normal.{ CAUTION:Do not keep driving if the oil pressure is low.The engine can become so hot that it catchesfire. You or others could be burned. Check theoil as soon as possible and have the vehicleserviced.Notice: Lack of proper engine oil maintenance maydamage the engine. The repairs would not becovered by the vehicle warranty. Always follow themaintenance schedule in this manual for changingengine oil.3-44