Windshield Washer{ CAUTION:In freezing weather, do not use your washeruntil the windshield is warmed. Otherwise thewasher fluid can form ice on the windshield,blocking your vision.K (Washer Fluid): Press the button with this symbol,located at the end of the windshield washer lever,to wash the windshield. The washer fluid sprays ontothe windshield and the wipers run for a few cyclesto clear the windshield. Press and hold K for morewash cycles.Washer Fluid Low Add Fluid displays on the DriverInformation Center (DIC) when the washer fluid is low.See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-56.If the headlamps are on while the windshield is beingwashed, the headlamp washers, if the vehicle has them,will also turn on. See “Headlamp Washer” followingfor more information.Heated Windshield WasherFor vehicles with the heated windshield washer fluidsystem it can be used to help clear ice, snow, tree sap,or bugs from the windshield.The button is located onthe climate control systempanel.Push _ to begin four heated wipe cycles. HeatingWasher Fluid Wash Wipes Pending displays on the DIC.See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-56.The first heated wipe cycle can take up to 40 secondsto occur, depending on the outside temperature.3-12