ORDER TOLL FREE: 1-800-551-4123Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PMEastern TimeFor Credit Card Orders Only(VISA-MasterCard-Discover), visit Helm, Inc. on theWorld Wide Web at: helminc.comOr you can write to:Helm, IncorporatedP.O. Box 07130Detroit, MI 48207Prices are subject to change without notice and withoutincurring obligation. Allow ample time for delivery.Note to Canadian Customers: All listed prices arequoted in U.S. funds. Canadian residents are to makechecks payable in U.S. funds.Vehicle Data Recording andPrivacyYour GM vehicle has a number of sophisticatedcomputers that record information about the vehicle’sperformance and how it is driven. For example, yourvehicle uses computer modules to monitor and controlengine and transmission performance, to monitor theconditions for airbag deployment and deploy airbags ina crash and, if so equipped, to provide antilock brakingto help the driver control the vehicle. These modulesmay store data to help your dealer technician serviceyour vehicle. Some modules may also store data abouthow you operate the vehicle, such as rate of fuelconsumption or average speed. These modules mayalso retain the owner’s personal preferences, such asradio pre-sets, seat positions, and temperature settings.8-18InformationProvidedby: