High-Speed Operation{ WARNING:Driving at high speeds, 160 km/h (100 mph)or higher, puts an additional strain on tires.Sustained high-speed driving causes excessiveheat build up and can cause sudden tire failure.You could have a crash and you or others couldbe killed. Some high-speed rated tires requireinflation pressure adjustment for high speedoperation. When speed limits and road conditionsare such that a vehicle can be driven at highspeeds, make sure the tires are rated for highspeed operation, in excellent condition, and setto the correct cold tire inflation pressure for thevehicle load.If your vehicle has P235/55R17 or P245/50R18 sizetires, and you will be driving at speeds of 100 mph(160 km/h) or higher, where it is legal, set the coldinflation pressure to the maximum inflation pressureshown on the tire sidewall, or 38 psi (265 kPa),whichever is lower. See the example following.Example:You will find the maximum load and inflation pressuremolded on the tire's sidewall, in small letters, near therim flange. It will read something like this: Maximumload 690 kg (1521 lbs) @ 300 kPa (44 psi) Max. Press.For this example, you would set the inflation pressurefor high‐speed driving at 38 psi (265 kPa).When you end this high-speed driving, return the tiresto the cold inflation pressure shown on the Tire andLoading Information label. See Loading the Vehicle onpage 5‑18.6-61InformationProvidedby: