Trunk{ WARNING:Exhaust gases can enter the vehicle if it is drivenwith the liftgate, trunk/hatch open, or with anyobjects that pass through the seal between thebody and the trunk/hatch or liftgate. Engineexhaust contains Carbon Monoxide (CO) whichcannot be seen or smelled. It can causeunconsciousness and even death.If the vehicle must be driven with the liftgate,or trunk/hatch open:. Close all of the windows.. Fully open the air outlets on or under theinstrument panel.. Adjust the Climate Control system to a settingthat brings in only outside air and set the fanspeed to the highest setting. See ClimateControl System in the Index.. If the vehicle is equipped with a power liftgate,disable the power liftgate function.For more information about carbon monoxide, seeEngine Exhaust on page 3‑34.Remote Trunk ReleaseV (Remote Trunk Release): The remote trunkrelease button is located to the left of the steeringwheel next to the instrument panel brightness control.Press the button to open the trunk. The vehicle must bein P (Park) or N (Neutral) and the valet lockout switchmust be off to use this button.You can also press the button with the trunk symbol onthe RKE transmitter to open the trunk. To disable thisfeature, see Valet Lockout Switch on page 3‑18.The trunk can be accessed using the Rear SeatPass-Through. See “Rear Seat Pass-Through” followingthis section.3-12InformationProvidedby: