Turn Signals When Towing a TrailerThe arrows on the instrument panel flash wheneversignaling a turn or lane change. Properly hooked up,the trailer lamps also flash, telling other drivers thevehicle is turning, changing lanes or stopping.When towing a trailer, the arrows on the instrumentpanel flash for turns even if the bulbs on the trailer areburned out. For this reason you may think other driversare seeing the signal when they are not. It is importantto check occasionally to be sure the trailer bulbs are stillworking.Driving on GradesNotice: Do not tow on steep continuous gradesexceeding 6 miles (9.6 km). Extended, higher thannormal engine and transmission temperatures mayresult and damage the vehicle. Frequent stops arevery important to allow the engine and transmissionto cool.Reduce speed and shift to a lower gear before startingdown a long or steep downgrade. If the transmission isnot shifted down, the brakes might have to be used somuch that they would get hot and no longer work well.On a long uphill grade, shift down and reduce thevehicle's speed to around 45 mph (70 km/h) to reducethe possibility of the engine and the transmissionoverheating. If the engine does overheat, see EngineOverheating on page 6‑29.Parking on Hills{ WARNING:Parking the vehicle on a hill with the trailerattached can be dangerous. If something goeswrong, the rig could start to move. People can beinjured, and both the vehicle and the trailer can bedamaged. When possible, always park the rig ona flat surface.If parking the rig on a hill:1. Press the brake pedal, but do not shift into P (Park)yet. Turn the wheels into the curb if facing downhillor into traffic if facing uphill.2. Have someone place chocks under the trailerwheels.3. When the wheel chocks are in place, release thebrake pedal until the chocks absorb the load.4. Reapply the brake pedal. Then apply the parkingbrake and shift the transmission into P (Park).5. Release the brake pedal.5-31InformationProvidedby: