147 ADAM-4000 Series User ManualChapter 5 Analog Input Module Commands4018M5.2.2 @AADName Read Memory Configuration commandDescription The command requests the configuration data from theanalog input data logger at address AA.Syntax @AAD (cr)@ is a delimiter character.AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimaladdress of an analog input data logger.D is the Read Memory Configuration command.(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).Response !AACCSDMTTTT(cr) if the command is valid.! is a delimiter character indicating a valid command was received.AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimaladdress of an analog input data logger.CC (range 00-FF) represents the data storage status of eachchannel. The ADAM-4018M has 8 channels, bit 0representing channel 0, and bit 7 representing channel 7. Amask bit value of ‘1’ enables data storage in the specifiedchannel, while a mask bit value of ‘0’ disables data storage.S represents the standalone mode. In order for theADAM-4018M to operate in the field, you must power onthe memory module by setting this value to ‘1.’ Otherwise,the data will not be recorded.D represents the data logging mode. ‘0’ enables StandardMode, where all eight channels record the normal dataaccording to the sampling interval. ‘1’ enables Event Mode,where all eight channels record the data if its value is overthe High Alarm limit or under the Low Alarm limit. ‘2’enables Mixed Mode, where channels 0 ~ 3 act as thestandard logger and the channels 4 ~ 7 act as the event logger.M represents the storage type. "0" represents writing to theend of memory. "1" represents circular memory mode.TTTT (range 2-65535) represents the sampling interval in seconds.(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).