88 CHAPTER 5: P LANNING THE 3COM MOBILITY S YSTEMThe operating tips in the previous table refer to specific command namesin AutoCAD. The commands are mentioned in 3WXM documentation asa guide for finding the appropriate commands or options in your CADapplication. However, the best source of information about how to useyour CAD application is the user documentation for that application.Importing the DrawingTo import a floor drawing:1 Select the RF Planning tool bar option.2 In the Organizer panel, click on the plus sign next to the building toexpand it, then click on the name of the floor for which you areimporting the drawing. An empty floor layout appears in the Contentpanel.3 In the Task List panel, under RF Planning, select Import Floor Layout.4 After navigating to the directory containing the drawing, select it, andclick Open. The drawing appears. After importing a drawing, 3WXM remembers the chosendirectory. If you originally imported a DXF or DWG file, you can import a DXF,DWG, GIF, or JPEG file and layer it over the original file.When you import another file, you are asked whether you want to deletethe existing layout or add the objects to the existing layout. If you arereimporting the original file, 3WXM adds only incremental changes to theexisting layout.5 Read the message about verifying the drawing scale, then click OK.(“Adjusting the Scale of a Drawing” on page 91 describes how to adjustthe scale.)The imported drawing is displayed in the Content panel.Table 14 Common AutoCAD Layer NamesAutoCAD Layer Name Commonly Represents...glaz windowsscol steel columnsp-fixt bathroomp-part bathroom stallpartitions ext – exteriorint – interior