404 CHAPTER 14: MANAGING ALARMSDenial of Service(DoS) AlarmsSNMP notifications must be enabled on the WX switches. Table 28 liststhe notification types for Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Denial ofService (DoS) protection. (For more information about IDS notification,see “Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Alarms” on page 402. To enablenotifications on a switch, see “Configuring SNMP” on page 196.)1 To view DoS alarms in chart format, click the Chart icon at the bottomleft corner of the DoS Alarms section of the 3WXM screen.2 To view alarms in table format, click the Table icon at the bottom leftcorner of the DoS Alarms section of the 3WXM screen.In the table view that displays, hypertext numbers link to filtered lists thatcontain only the alarms for that row and column that contain thehypertext.3 To view a table of all alarms in 3WXM, click Details at the bottom of theDoS Alarms section of the 3WXM screen. Performing this action producesthe same effect as clicking the show table icon.Storing Faults andRetrieving FaultHistory3WXM stores fault information on the server database and allowsmultiple clients to access the data. With each fault stored in the database,correlated traps and events are also stored. Data is periodically purged tokeep the database to a manageable size. Purging is based on criteria suchas the number of active faults (events) or the number of days for whichdata should be preserved.In addition to active fault information, the database also holds historicfault information. Users can view this historic information whennecessary. However, the information is available for viewing in reportsonly. Consequently, you cannot perform any action on historicinformation.Perform the following steps to retrieve fault history:1 Click History in the options located on the right side of the FaultManagement panel.2 3WXM displays the Alarm History dialog box. You can sort the historyresults by any of the following column headings: Date Severity Category