170 CHAPTER 6: C ONFIGURING WX S YSTEM PARAMETERSCreating a New WXSwitch Based on aConfigured Switch inthe Network PlanYou can copy and modify a switch that is already in the network plan, bycopying and pasting the switch in the Organizer panel.1 Select the Configuration tool bar option.2 In the Organizer panel, select the switch you want to copy, thenright-click on the switch and select Copy.3 Right-click and select Paste. The Wireless Switch Properties wizardappears.4 In the WX Name box, type the name of the WX switch (1 to 256alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs).Within a network plan (and all Mobility Domains), each WX must have aunique name.5 Type the serial number for the switch in the Serial Number box.6 To modify the system IP address and VLAN, select them from the SystemVLAN/IP drop-down list.The system IP address determines the interface or source IP address MSSuses for system tasks, including the following: Mobility Domain operations Topology reporting for dual-homed MAP access points Default source IP address used in unsolicited communications suchas AAA accounting reports and SNMP notifications7 Click Management Interface.8 To enable the switch to be managed by 3WXM, select Managed. Untilthis option is selected, you cannot deploy the switch configuration youcreate in 3WXM to the actual switch in the network.This option also enables the Launch Telnet and Launch Browser options inthe Task List panel.CAUTION: After selecting Managed to enable management of theswitch by 3WXM, do not change this option unless advised to do so by3Com Technical Support. If you change a WX switch to an unmanagedstate in a network plan, all network operations (polling) stop for that WXswitch. If you change back to a managed state, the entire configurationof the switch is replaced with the settings from the network plan, whichcan result in loss of connectivity to the switch.