EtherTRAK®2 and Etherbus®Dual Ethernet I/O Module6.5 Discrete Input Counter FeatureApplicable to: E2-MIX24880, E2-MIX24882, E2-MIX20884, E2-32DI24, E2-16DI24, E2-16DIACCounter Modes: Count Up, Pulse Timing and Pulse RateTo enable counters (16 registers: AX8 though AX23) or (12 registers AX8 through AX19 on E2-MIX20884), using the I/OTool Kit or the module’s web interface, go to the "Discrete Options" screen and check the "Enable Counters" checkbox.Go to the "Analog Input Channels" screen, select a cell and a pull down menu is displayed. Select the mode of operationfor each counter function. In all 16 bit upward counting modes, the analog input register increases from 0 32767, thenwrap around to -32768 0.If the “Report all Counters as 32 Bit Values” checkbox is selected (Analog Options screen),the long integer input register (consecutive pair of analog registers) increases from0 2,147,483,647, then -2,147,483,648 and back to 0.The menu selections for each of the available counter modes and their default resolutions are:Pulse AccumulatorUp Counter 16 bit (or 32 bit) upward accumulator of input pulses.Run TimeRun Time Sec This is the On-time Timer feature that counts the time the associated input isin the ON state. Output is in Seconds.Run Time Min This is the On-time Timer feature that counts the time the associated input isin the ON state. Same as above, except the output is in Minutes.Pulse RateTimingThese 16 bit registers will record the pulse timing for the following timingintervals: 0.1 sec (100 ms), 0.2 sec (200 ms), 0.5 sec (500 ms), 1 second, 2seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds.ON Pulse Width Time in ms between consecutive leading (OFF to ON) and trailing (ON toOFF) edges.OFF Pulse Width Time in ms between consecutive leading (ON to OFF) and trailing (OFF toON) edges.Notes regarding pulse width measurements:1. Pulses longer than the maximum size allowed by the register will result inan overflow condition (full scale 16-bit value equal to 65535).2. Pulses shorter than 1ms will not be accurately detected resulting inerroneous values.3. If no edge is ever detected by an input, the result will read as $0000.Timing only begins when an edge is detected.Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: - Email: