Image QualityWorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790Copy50Image QualityYour device can enhance the quality of your output usingthe Image Quality features. This section describes theoptions available and when they would usually be used.This includes features such as setting the device to suit thetype of input and controlling the lightness, darkness,sharpness and contrast of the image.Original TypeThis feature provides a convenient way to enhance thecopy quality of your output based on the type of originalimages you are copying and how they were produced.• Photo & Text is recommended for originals containinghigh quality photographs or line art and text. Usingthis setting the scanned image will contain highquality pictures though the sharpness of text and lineart is slightly reduced.• Text produces sharper edges and is recommended for text and line art.• Photo is used specifically for originals containing photos or continuous tones without any text orline art. Produces the best quality for photos but reduced quality text and line art.• Halftone Photo is used if your original is from a magazine or newspaper that containsphotographs or text.Select Save to save your selections and exit.Image OptionsImage Options provides options for changing the appearance of the copy output. The options are:Lighten/DarkenThis provides manual control to adjust the lightness ordarkness of the scanned images.• Move the indicator down to darken the scannedimage, for light originals such as pencil images.• Move the indicator up to lighten the scanned image,for dark originals such as halftones or originals withcolored backgrounds.SharpnessThis provides manual control to adjust the sharpness of the scanned images.• Move the indicator up to sharpen the scanned image.