Enhance ProductivityWorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790Getting Started33Enhance ProductivityYour device is a powerful multi-functional device with many digital functions integrated into one sleeksystem. It is designed to support large workgroups in different office environments. You can do morewith less and streamline your workflow with these productivity enhancing features, for example:• Online address books• Customization to meet own work processes• Powerful documentation features for example, Booklet Creation, Special Pages, Build Job andAnnotationsTo maximize job productivity, use the Job Status button to access the Active jobs list and manage yourjobs. If a job is urgent, use the Promote option to prioritize your jobs.If a job is Held in the list, it may require additional resources or a secure code to print. The reason forthe held status is displayed on the Job Progress screen. Once the requirement has been met or thecorrect secure code entered, the job is released for printing.For further information about customizing or using your device refer to Tools on page 252 ofAdministration and Accounting.