* For additional assistance, please contact Toshiba Adjustable Speed Drive Marketing Dept. at (800) 872-219233Super User ProgrammingKEYSTROKE RESULTING DISPLAYLOCAL/REMOTE OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzREAD/WRITE OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzREAD/WRITE hold down OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzLOCAL/REMOTE SUPER USERRAMFDown Arrow EEPREAD/WRITE 0380Up Arrow Until 03AFREAD/WRITE 05up arrow until E5READ/WRITE 03AF alternating with E5, then 03AFPRG OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzCycle power to the drive after programmingAdditional Super User ProgrammingThe frequency value that the drive will phase forward can be adjusted and is set at 8 Hz bydefault. This is set in Super User Mode at address 03B3 with values in chart below. This valueshould only be adjusted when, after the frequency advances 8Hz and an Overvoltage trip occursafter the frequency advances 8 Hz.Value Chart03B3 Value Resulting Value68 8 Hz6A 16 Hz6C 32 Hz6E 64 Hz