* For additional assistance, please contact Toshiba Adjustable Speed Drive Marketing Dept. at (800) 872-219227Additional ProgrammingKEYSTROKE RESULTING DISPLAYLOCAL/REMOTE OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzREAD/WRITE OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzREAD/WRITE hold down OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzLOCAL/REMOTE RAMFdown arrow RAMdown arrow EEPREAD/WRITE 0380up arrow until 03AFREAD/WRITE 05up arrow until 45READ/WRITE 03AF alternating with 45, then 03AFPRG OUTPUT FREQUENCY0.0 HzCycle power to the drive after programmingDrooping Control Amount determines how fast the output frequency (and torque) changes as the ‘RR’input is changed. Increase the value in this parameter for faster response.You may want to program one of the monitors (i.e. Status Monitor #1 Display Select in the UTILITYPARAMETERS group) to be “RR Input Value” (setting value 14) so that you can see what is beingapplied to the ‘RR’ input.