198 43-TV-25-35 GLO Iss.4 Dec 06 UKA5E01001767-04OPC Interface - Open Process ControlOPC Interface - Open Process ControlOPC Server connection must be enabled in the recorder by selecting the OPC option in “Credits”on page 92. Many types of OPC Server software packages are available and are compat-ible with the recorders. OPC server supports OPC DA version 3 and OPC AE (Alarm andEvents). Use the name of the OPC server as it appears in the client software.OPC limitationsTechnically speaking there are no restrictions on the number of clients that can connect toOPC DA or OPC A&E servers. Some software limits are in place:OPC DA ServerMaximum number of groups that can be added per client is 3.Maximum number of unique items that a OPC DA server supports is 100. I.e.(Number ofpens + Number of totalisers + Number of communication variable) spread across 3 groupsper client. Recommended number of clients that can connect a OPC DA server is 3.OPC A&E ServerNumber of active alarm that is maintained at a given time is 576. Includes pens having activealarms and pens which have normal but unacknowledged alarms if latch enabled.Recommended maximum number of event subscriptions is 3Not only can pen and alarm values be imported from the recorder but CV values can be sentto the recorder from the OPC software.How OPC worksWhen data acquisition devices conform to the OPC standard, you can use them with anyOPC-enabled software application, and vice versa. You can therefore easily combine differ-ent devices from different manufacturers in one system. OPC gives you the freedom to addnew hardware from third-party vendors to existing set-ups, or to replace a device, withoutworrying about compatibility with your chosen software.The measurement and control hardware, such as a recorder, provides front-line data acqui-sition. As soon as the hardware device has collected the data it makes it available to soft-ware applications running under Windows. It presents the data according to the OPCstandard, and is thus known as an OPC server. Each OPC server offers data in the sameway. If the software application can understand the OPC format it can therefore access datafrom any OPC server device, making individual drivers for each piece of equipment obso-lete.OPC-enabled software include spread sheets, databases, virtual instruments and SCADA(supervisory control and data acquisition) interfaces. These applications are known as OPCclient software.Each OPC server can simultaneously provide data for any number of OPC clients. Likewisemultiple clients can at the same moment access any server: a robust method of communi-cation. With OPC, measurement and control systems can share information and co-operatewith other installations across factories, offices, laboratories, etc. The same data is thereforereadily available to engineering, maintenance, management...in fact to anyone that requiresup-to-the-minute data on which to base their decisions.OPC allows "plug-and-play". All OPC devices will connect together and immediately workwith the OPC client software. This has the potential to massively reduce installation and sys-tem configuration time. It also means that you can add devices without shutting down exist-ing systems.