OPERATION3-26Document No.: COM-00-05-16 June 2006, Revised June 2014Version: C.1Table 3-2 continuedClassification Log Entry DescriptionInformational DHCP assigned to yy-yy-yy>Means the 4 byte IP address that was assignedto a radio with the indicated 6 byte MACaddress. When DHCP server is enabled and atleast one binding configured into the WAG,the IP address in that binding is given to theradio that asks for it. A log is kept of thebinding and IP address that is assigned to aradio.Informational DHCP Activity istaking place on LAN Indicates that there are devices on theEthernet LAN requesting DHCP configuration.DHCP activity can be computers, radios, or anyIP-based device. When logged, the WAG hearsthe DHCP requests and responds accordingly.Informational CONFIG: Noconfigurables werechangedIndicates that the user requested configurationand either exited without making or saving anychanges.Informational CONFIG: Configurationhas been changed Indicates that the user made configurationchanges to the WAG.Informational CONFIG: Radio binding has been changedIndicates that the IP address of a particularbinding (from 1 to 5 inclusive) was changed bythe user.Informational USER access via Telnet Indicates that the user accessed the WAGthrough a Telnet session.Informational USER access via SerialPort Indicates that the user accessed the WAGthrough a serial port.Informational ZMODEMBOOT commandreceived Indicates that a user entered theZMODEMBOOT command from either theserial interface or from a Telnet session.Informational PST: Persistentrequest toxxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIndicates that the WAG has sent a request tothe remote WAG to establish the configuredPersistent Serial Tunnel.Informational PST: Persistent tunnelwas dropped Indicates that a Persistent Serial Tunnel wasdropped.