OPERATION3-21Document No.: COM-00-05-16 June 2006, Revised June 2014Version: C.1Table 3-2 continuedClassification Log Entry DescriptionWarning Flushed XPORT input oninvalid.Means that an unknown message was receivedby the Ethernet XPort component and that themessage was discarded along with any othersthat might have been queued up in the serialpipe between the XPort component and theWAG main CPU. The entry means a loss ofeither UDP or TCP traffic or possibly the lossof a maintenance message that gets routinelypassed from the XPort to the WAG main CPU.Typically the log means that a great deal ofEthernet inbound traffic is occurring and aninbound frame had to be discarded.Warning WAG has invalidconfiguration On power-up, the WAG conducts checks on itsown configuration. If anything is incorrect, theWAG selects a default set of configuration andthen makes this log entry before it startsoperating.Warning WARNING: Echelondevice shares ourEchelon addressMeans that the WAG discovered an Echelondevice on the Echelon interface, which has thesame subnet and node address as itself.Correct the problem by reconfiguring eitherthe WAG Echelon address or by reconfiguringthe Echelon address of the other device.Warning WARNING: ReceivedXPORT slipped * Means that a message received on theEthernet XPort interface was missing its firstbyte. May not indicate a problem since thefirst byte is always a zero. This entry isintended for Siemens Rail Automationpersonnel for troubleshooting.(* only if verbosity level is greater than 1)Warning WARNING:<7.RRR.LLL.GGG.SS.DD>Echelon Addressconflict toMeans the indicated ATCS address wasoriginally heard as subnet/node addressWW.XX, however now it is heard assubnet/node address YY.ZZ. This indicates thatmore than one device shares an ATCS addressor that a user moved/reconfigured an ATCSdevice on the Echelon interface.