OPERATION3-15Document No.: COM-00-05-16 June 2006, Revised June 2014Version: C.13.15 DATA/COMMAND MODE FROM A SERIAL INTERFACEIn Command mode, the data command changes the WAG serial interface to Data mode if theserial interface is configured for a data protocol. When the WAG is in Data Mode, all framesreceived on the serial interface are treated as frames intended for a serial protocol.The serial protocol that the messages are dispatched to depends upon what the serial interface isconfigured for. For more information, see Section 2.When the serial interface is configured for Command Mode, typing the data command doesnothing.To go to Command Mode temporarily when the serial interface is configured for a datamode:Wait two or more seconds after WAG becomes operational in data mode and type +++.Pause for two seconds and a serial message appears showing the interface is in Command Mode.To go to Data Mode (if the serial interface is configured for a data protocol):Type data and press Enter.NOTEConfiguration changes are made with the WAG in Command Mode. If the usermakes configuration changes and saves those changes, the WAG will restartwith the new configuration but will come up in Data Mode if the serial interface isconfigured for a serial protocol.3.16 RETURNING THE SERIAL INTERFACE TO COMMAND MODE FROM A TELNETSESSIONThe user can not use the +++ sequence in a Telnet session to return the serial interface toCommand mode. Type command in the Telnet session to return the serial interface to Commandmode. If the command was entered from the serial interface, whether in Data mode or Commandmode, nothing will happen.3.17 RESTARTING THE WAGThis command restarts the WAG. Information in the system events log and error log are retained.Any TCP connections, including Telnet, will be lost when the restart command is initiated.To Restart The WAG:Type restart and press Enter. The WAG reboots.