OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 APRIL 2007MMC: 816 CONFERENCE GAINDESCRIPTION:Provides a tool to adjust the gain or loss of stations and trunks in the conferencebridge. This is made available to allow for the adjustment of the conference bridgedue to permanant unsatisfactory C.O. conditions that may inhibit a satisfactoryconference bridge. Programming adjusments can be made on individualconference analog trunk members.Caution!! This MMC is not to correct low volume. To be used with the support of STATechnical Support Department.IDENTIFICATIONMEMBER: This identifies which size of conference the adjustment will bemade for. ie. 3,4 or 5 party conference.A-TRK: This identifies which analog trunk member that is being addressed.CNF: This is the gain or loss adjustment in the conference bridge.SW: This is the gain or loss adjustment in the time division switch.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next MMCACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRANSFER 816.Display shows.CONFERENCE GAINUSE DEFAULT :YES2. Press UP or DOWN key to make selection.Press RIGHT soft key to make change andCONFERENCE GAINUSE DEFAULT :NOto move cursor.3. Press UP or DOWN key to make selectionOR use the DIAL pad to make a selection.MEMBER:3 A-TRK:0CNF:-2.5 SW:+0.04. Press UP or DOWN key to make selection eg.4 part conference bridge. Press RIGHT softMEMBER:4 A-TRK:0CNF:-2.5 SW:+0.0key to move cursor.