OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 8 APRIL 20078.1.3The Call Director is based upon operating mode, which means that Event Pointers canbe set to perform different actions based upon time of day. For example, callers mightonly be able to leave a message at night. If no action is set for a particular operatingmode, the settings for the Default operating mode will be used. This greatly eases theprogramming time for situations where the same action should take place in all modes.8.1.4 Event PointersDifferent programming blocks are tied together through a mechanism called the CallDirector. The core of the Call Director is the Event Pointer. Event Pointers areessentially the conditions that callers are routed by. They tell the system what to dowith the caller or the subscriber when a certain condition occurs. Each Call Directoruses a different set of Event Processors, but the settings for each are the same. Belowis an example of an Event Pointer.Notice that there are 5 columns to set up the Event Pointer. The first columns is thename of the Event Pointer, which cannot be changed. The second column is the Actioncolumn. This setting defines the type of action that will be used. The available Actiontypes are defined below.Action DescriptionGOTO This means the Event Pointer will send the caller to another blockTRAN Translate the Event Pointer to another Event Pointer. This is used to have 2Event Pointers perform the same action without the need to program twoseparate pointers.PASS Password protect the Event. For example, a Menu might offer an unspokensingle digit option to log directly into a salesperson's mailbox. Thepassword protection will prompt anyone who presses that digit to enter apassword. If the correct password is not given, the user will be blockedfrom accessing the mailbox.FILE(PTR) This is an advanced option generally reserved for very long lists of menuoptions. It tells the system to open a file and read the Event Pointerdefinitions from the file instead of the Call Director.SRCH This option is only used in Menu blocks. It is primarily used to allowwildcard entries in a menu. It will search through Extension or Mailboxblocks to find a block whose number matches the Event Pointer number.The Type column is used to select a block type. It references block types by a 3character abbreviation as shown below.Abbreviation Block TypeBYE Bye Block