5. Parameters 5-615.8.1.2 Motor protection time constants: P0.02ParameterNo. Name Unit Settingrange FactorySettingChangeableduringoperationP0.02 Motor ProtectionTime Constants min 0.0~60.0 8.0• P0.02 can be used to set the time when the motor protection functionis started.• Normally it is not necessary to change P0.02.• Set P0.02 if a 150% overload is applied after operating continuously atthe motor’s rated current (hot start).• For known motor’s overload capacity, set the hot-start overloadresistance level, but allow some margin for safety.This is the example when P0.02 is set to 1minand the motor is operating at 60Hz.Figure 5.24 Motor protection operating time10OperatingTime (min)7310.4100 150 200Cold StartHot StartMotor current (%)(C 2.03 is 100%)5-62 MOSCON-E7 User’s Manual5.8.1.3 Motor selection: P0.03ParameterNo. Name Unit Settingrange FactorySettingChangeableduringoperationP0.03 Motor Selection - 0~1 0• P0.03 can be used to set the motor protection characteristic.• Induction motors (i.e. general-purpose motor and inverter motor) areclassified based on their cooling capabilities thus, the motor overloadfunction operates differently between them.* General-purpose motor : When the motor is rotating at a low speed,the motor’s temperature rises faster than the inverter motor,therefore torque must be limited to protect the motor fromoverheating.* Inverter motor : Motor’s temperature rise relatively slower if it isrotating at a low speed, therefore electronic thermal overloadprotection is not activated. Thus, use an inverter motor forcontinuous operation at low speed.• SettingSettingconstant Function0 Applied to general-purpose motor1 Applied to inverter motor