5. Parameters 5-235.5.2 Speed search5.5.2.1 Controlling the speed search operation: S1.01ParameterNo. Name Unit SettingrangeFactorySettingChangeableduring operationS1.01 SpeedSearch atStart- 0~1 0• S1.01 finds the speed of a rotating motor and runs up smoothly fromthe searched speed.• This function is useful when the smooth operation is required in caseof momentary power loss.• SettingSettingconstant Function0 Disables speed search operation:Motor starts from minimum output frequency.1 Enables speed search operation:Speed search is performed from command frequency.Speed search is done every time the run command is input. Speed search level, current, and deceleration timeParameterNo. Name Unit Settingrange FactorySettingChangeableduringoperationS1.02 Speed SearchStart Frequency 0.01Hz 0.00~600.00 0.00S1.03 Speed SearchCurrent 1% 0~200 100S1.04 Speed SearchDecelerationTime 0.1sec 0~10.0 2.0• S1.02 is used to set the frequency where the speed search is started• S1.03 sets the operating current for the speed search.Lower the setting if restarting is not possible.Setting unit is the percentage of inverter’s rated output current.5-24 MOSCON-E7 User’s Manual• S1.04 sets the output frequency deceleration time during the speedsearch operation.Figure 5.9 Speed search timing chartRun commandS1.02Output frequencyOutput currentS1.03OFF ONDeceleration time set in S1.04Frequency commandthat is set