5. Parameters 5-17• F1.03~F1.05 are used to prohibit the inverter from producing outputvoltages of certain frequency ranges, in order to prevent the mechanicalvibration caused by mechanical structure as shown in Figure 5.5.• Set F1.03~F1.05 as 0.00Hz to disable the jump frequencies.• F1.03~F1.05 set the center values of the frequency to be jumped.• Jump frequencies should be set so that F1.05 F1.04 F1.03• F1.06 is used to control the jump frequency bandwidth.• Jump frequency range = jump frequency jump frequency bandwidth5.4.3.2 Selecting the jump mode : F1.07ParameterNo. Name Unit Settingrange FactorySettingChangeableduringoperationF1.07 Jump Mode - 0~1 0• F1.07 is used to fix the output frequency inside the jump frequencyregion• SettingSettingconstant Function0 Output frequency is fixed to lower limit of jump frequency region1 Output frequency is fixed to upper limit of jump frequency region• During accel/decel operation, output frequency changes smoothlywithout jump even though jump frequencies are activated.5-18 MOSCON-E7 User’s ManualFigure 5.5 Starting jumping frequenciesF1.05 F1.04F1.06F1.03Internal Frequency ReferenceFrequency CommandDotted Lines show operation duringAcceleration/DecelerationF1.05 F1.04F1.06F1.03Internal Frequency ReferenceFrequency CommandDotted Lines show operation duringAcceleration/Deceleration