SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL December 19963. Enter key number (e.g., 18)ORPress UP or DOWN key to make selection andpress RIGHT soft key move cursorSYS.KEY PROGRAM18:DS Æ4. Using above chart pressing dial pad keynumber to make selectionORPress UP or Down key to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to advance cursor to step 5 to enterextender if requiredORPress LEFT soft key to return to step 3SYS.KEY PROGRAM18:DS ÆGPIK5. If required, enter extender (e.g.,03)ORPress UP or DOWN key to make selectionPress RIGHT soft key to return to step 2Press LEFT soft key to return to step 3SYS.KEY PROGRAM18:DS ÆGPIK036. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPK to store and advance to next MMCDEFAULT DATA: SEE BELOW24 Button Keyset with or without Display01:CALL1 02:CALL2 03:NONE 04:NONE 05:NONE 06:TG907:NONE 08:NONE 09:NONE 10:NONE 11:NONE 12:NONE13:NONE 14:NONE 15lNONE 16:NONE 17:NONE 18:NONE19:CONF 20:MUTE 21:GPICK 22:PAGE 23:CBK 24:MSG12 Button Keyset01:CALL1 02:CALL2 03:NONE 04:NONE 05:NONE 06:TG907:NONE 08:NONE 09:NONE 10:NONE 11:NONE 12:NONEAdd-On Module01:DS 02:DS 03:DS 04:DS05:DS 06:DS 07:DS 08:DS09:DS 10:DS 11:DS 12:DS13:DS 14:DS 15:DS 16:DS17:DS 18:DS 19:DS 20:DS21:DS 22:DS 23:DS 24:DS25:DS 26:DS 27:DS 28:DS29:DS 30:DS 31:DS 32:DS33:DS 34:DS 35:DS 36:DS37:DS 38:DS 39:DS 40:DS41:DS 42:DS 43:DS 44:DS45:DS 46:DS 47:DS 48:DS