SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL December 1996MMC: 500 SYSTEM-WIDE COUNTERSDESCRIPTION:Used to set the values of the system counters. The counters are listed below with a briefdescription of each.1. ALARM REMINDER This is the number of times that an alarm reminder will ring astation before canceling. RANGE = 1–99.2. AUTO REDIAL This is the number of times the system will redial an outsidenumber after the auto redial feature has been activated.RANGE = 1–15.3. DISA INTERCOM CALL This counter sets the maximum number of intercom calls thatcan be made after accessing a DISA line. RANGE = 1–99.4. DISA LOCK OUT This is the number of attempts the system will allow toincorrectly access a DISA line before locking out the DISAline. RANGE = 1–99.5. NEW CALL This is the number of times the system will allow a user tosignal New Call on a C.O. line during one call. RANGE = 1–99.6. UCD VISUAL ALARMCOUNTER This is the counter to determine giving visual alarm if thenumber of calls are waiting to be answered in the UCD groupis reached to it.RANGE = 0 - 25.7. UCD AUDIO ALARMCOUNTER This is the counter to determine giving audio alarm if thenumber of calls are waiting to be answered in the UCD groupis reached to it.RANGE = 0 - 25.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryANS/RLS Used to select ALL