SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL December 1996MMC: 723 SYSTEM KEY PROGRAMMINGDESCRIPTION:This MMC is much like MMC 722 Station Key Programming. The main difference is that this MMCis system-wide rather than on a per station basis. Features are entered via the dial pad key, bypressing the dial pad number the required steps to select the feature. For example, for OHVA, thenumber 6 is pressed three times. If the BOSS key is required, first press 2 for the first letter B andthen use the UP or DOWN key to make the selection from BARGE to BOSS.NOTE: Please remember that this program is system-wide.DIAL KEYPADCOUNTÆ 1 2 3DIAL 2 AAPLAY BARGE CALLDIAL 3 DICT DICT FAUTODIAL 4 GPIK HLDPK IOGDIAL 5 LCR LCR LCRDIAL 6 MMPA NEW OHVADIAL 7 PAGE REJECT SGDIAL 8 TG UA VDIALTYPE OF SETDIAL 0 24 BTN SETSDIAL 1 12 BTN SETSDIAL 2 ADD ON MODLDIAL 3 24B EU-SETSDIAL 4 12B EU-SETSDIAL 5 6B EU-SETSDIAL 6 48B EU-AOMPROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 723Display showsSYS.KEY PROGRAMTYPE:24 BTN SETS2. Enter via dial pad type of set ( e.g.,2)ORPress UP or DOWN key to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to move cursorSYS.KEY PROGRAMTYPE:ADD ON MODL