8Installation ProcedureEnglishInstallation ProcedureStep 2 Choosing the installationlocationInstallation location requirements࡙ Air must be distributed optimally.࡙ The passage of air must not be disturbed.࡙ Condensation water must be drained easily.࡙ The support structure must be strong enoughto support the weight of the fan coil unit. (If thestructure is not strong, the fan coil unit may fall off,leading to personal injury.)࡙ The ceiling must not be significantly sloped.࡙ There must be a sufficient space for maintenance andservice.࡙ The power and communication cables of the fancoil unit must be at least 1 m away from electronicappliances such as televisions. (Occasionally, moredistance may be required.)Reinforcing the ceilingMake sure that the ceiling is sufficient to support theweight of the fan coil unit. If dangerous, reinforce theceiling with foundation bolts before installing the fancoil unit.Spacing requirementsFor the cassette type1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more1500 or more(Unit: mm)Slim 1 way 4way360 cassette typeMake sure that the distance between the air inlet andoutlet and the obstacle is 1500 mm or more.AA : 1500 mm or moreAAANOTE࡙ The default installation type for the circular panel isthe open type, that is, the panel is not recessed in theceiling but exposed from the ceiling. For convenientinstallation and maintenance, secure inspection holesas follows: (The size of each inspection hole must beat least 450 mm × 450 mm.)࡙ The detachable ceiling structure can replace theinspection holes.Aɇϩʪ˝ͱθцÃ͝ϑΧʪʀϩ̈ͱ͝˵ͱ̷ʪAʪ̷̈̈͝˝ϩцΧʪ ĮΧʪ͝ϩцΧʪÃ͝ϩʪ˝θɇϩʪʒ Uʪϩɇʀ˵ɇɵ̷ʪƊαЇɇθʪΧɇ͝ʪ̷ 1 EA -ÄθʀЇ̷ɇθΧɇ͝ʪ̷ 2 EAFor installing a ceiling type circular panelWater pipeConnection part of thedrain hoseDisplayInspection hole 1050883ø1010 to 1020Ceiling opening diameterø1010 to 1020Inspection hole