42Installation ProcedureEnglishĮΧϩ̈ͱ͝ SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 ߡߢƊk SEG11 ߣߢƊkFunction Page Use of drain pump Use of hot water heaterIndicationsand detailsIndication Detail Indication Detail Indication Detail- - -10 Disuse 0 Disuse1 Use 1 Use (*2)2 Use with 3minute delay23 Use (*2)ĮΧϩ̈ͱ͝ ߤߢƊk SEG14 SEG15 ߧߢƊk SEG17 SEG18Function Page Use of external controlExternal control outputkуϩʪθ͝ɇ̷ʀͱ͝ϩθͱ̷ͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥkуϩʪθ͝ɇ̷˵ʪɇϩʪθͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥAͱͱ̷̈͝˝ͱΧʪθɇϩ̈ͱ͝ͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥCooling output by external equipmentS-Plasma ion Buzzer control Maximum filterusage timeIndicationsand detailsIndication Detail Indication Detail IndicationDetailIndication Detail Indication Detail Indication DetailSettingtheoutputofexternalcontrolExternal heater On orOff signal20 Disuse 0 External control output(Thermo On)0 Disuse 0 Use ofbuzzer 2 1000hours1 Į͝ࢥĮ˙˙control1 External control output(Operation On)2 External heater output (* 3)2 Offcontrol3 External heater output (* 3)1 Use 1 Disuseof buzzer 6 2000hours4 Cooling operation output (* 4)3 WindowOn or Offcontrol5 Cooling output by externalequipment (Cooling ThermoOn) (* 5)6 Cooling output by externalʪαЇ̈Χ͔ʪ͝ϩ࣍Aͱͱ̷̈͝˝ࢥUθц̈͝˝Thermo On) (* 5)Installation Procedure