21Installation ProcedureEnglish2 Tighten the metal clamp as shown in the figure.When tightening the clamp,tighten as tight as possible sothat the eight holes are visible.3 Wrap the metal clamp and the drain hose with asealing pad for insulation, and then fix them with aclamp.4 Fully insulate the drain pipe inside the building (onsite).If the drain pipe is sloped insufficiently, install thedrain pipe vertically from the hose connection port(on site).5 When connecting the drain hose to the drain socket,connect the drain hose by pushing it up.Individual drainageUse a leveler to check that the fan coil unit is parallel tothe ceiling.1 Ã˙ϩ˵ʪϑ̷ͱΧʪͱ˙ϩ˵ʪʒθɇ̈͝Χ̈Χʪ̈ϑ̷ʪϑϑϩ˵ɇ͝ࡡߡߡߢࢥߢɵʪsure to install an air vent at the inlet of each drainhole to smooth the flow of condensation water.2 If the drain pipe is installed higher than theconnection port, install the drain pipe verticallywithin a distance of 300 mm from the flexible hoseconnection port. (Slim 1 way cassette)࡙ However, because the water may leak, the heightof the drain pipe should not exceed 550 mm.3 Ã͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ϩ˵ʪʒθɇ̈͝Χ̈Χʪɇϩɇϑ̷ͱΧʪͱ˙ߡߡߢࢥߢͱθ͔ͱθʪࢋ4 Make sure that the distance between the supports is1 to 1.5 m.5 In order to prevent odor from the outlet of the drainpipe, install a trap at the end of the drain pipe orinstall an indirect drain.6 Do not apply force to the hose when connecting thedrain pipe.࡙ Make sure that the hose connection is notloosened and as close as possible to the wall orother support, as shown in the figure.࡙ Connect the flexible hosehorizontally.Fan coil unitFlexible hoseHorizontal connectionFan coil unit࡙ Make sure that the maximumaxis gap does not exceed 20 mm.(Upward axis gap is prohibited.)20 mm or lessFan coil unit30 ° or less࡙ Make sure that the maximum bendingangle does not exceed 30°. (Upward slopeis prohibited.)300 mm or less20 mm or moreAir vent of the fan coil unitFlexible hoseHorizontal drain pipe࣍ϩθɇ͝ϑЭʪθϑʪΧ̈Χʪ࣎đͱθʪϩ˵ɇ͝ߡߡߢࢥߢϑ̷ͱΧʪFull thread bolt hanger1 to 1.5 mCeiling300 to 550 mm or less200 mmor moreƊ̷͔̈ߢиɇцʀɇϑϑʪϩϩʪ