13Installation ProcedureEnglishNOTE࡙ The shape of the fan coil unit may differ dependingon the model.࡙ When installing a cassette type product on a ceilingwith a temperature of 27 °C or more and a humidityof 80% or more, install polyethylene foam or a similarinsulation material with a thickness of 10 mm or moreonto the fan coil unit body.࡙ The recommended ceiling height is 2.7 m.Step 3 Optional: Insulating the bodyof the fan coil unitInsulation guide࡙ For the pipe inlet and outlet and some bent parts, cutout and shape the insulation material in accordancewith their shape.࡙ Be sure to insulate the air inlet and outlet (front andrear) together when insulating the connecting ducts.ANOTE࡙ A: Outer circumference of the unit(Perform insulation based on A.)(Unit: mm)ťθͱʒЇʀϩ Ã͝ϑЇ̷ɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝Circular type (Small) ťç²०ߥ०Ęߡߧߡ 2610*130Circular type (Large)ťç²०ߥ०Ęߣߨߡ2610*215ťç²०ߥ०Ęߡߪߡťç²०ߥ०ĘߦߡߢStep 4 Installing the fan coil unitPreparations for installationThe piping that will be connected to the fan coil unitmust be completed before installation.1 Check the product to install and its installationlocation.2 Check the following installation requirements:࡙ When the product is installed on the ceiling, checkthe strength of the ceiling first.࡙ When the product is installed on the ceiling, usethe pattern sheet.࡙ After making the mounting hole on the ceiling,keep the ceiling surface level.࡙ You may need to reinforce the ceiling to preventthe product from causing the upper floor tovibrate.3 Drill holes on the ceiling or the ceiling support, andthen insert the foundation bolts, as shown in thefollowing figure:࡙ Use bolts of Ø9.52 or M10 size and of 1.5 m or lesslength.࡙ Install at least four foundation bolts so that thefan coil unit can be fixed firmly.࡙ When the existing ceilings require reinforcement,use anchor holes.࡙ For new ceilings, use sunken inserts, sunkenanchors, or other commercially available parts.ConcreteAnchor holePlug holeSuspension bolt (Ø9.52 or M10)Ceiling supportCAUTION࡙ Purchase all the needed parts from the market.࡙ Because the pattern sheet is made of paper, it mayshrink or stretch slightly due to temperature orhumidity. Therefore, before drilling holes on theceiling, be sure to check the correct dimensions.࡙ Be sure to secure a sufficient space that allows foraccess for maintenance or repairs.