23Installation ProcedureEnglishConcentrated drainage1 to 1.5 mConnect to the main drain pipe. Centralized horizontal drain pipe ͔࣍ͱθʪϩ˵ɇ͝ߡߡߢࢥߢϑ̷ͱΧʪ࣎Main air vent(must beinstalled)Full thread bolthangerAir vent of the fancoil unit1 If 3 or more fan coil units are installed, install themain air vent at the front of the farthest fan coil unitfrom the main drain pipe.2 If the slope of the centralized horizontal drain pipe ̈ϑ̷ʪϑϑϩ˵ɇ͝ࡡߡߡߢࢥߢɵʪϑЇθʪϩͱ̈͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ɇ͝ɇ̈θЭʪ͝ϩɇϩthe top of each fan coil unit to prevent water fromflowing back to the unit.Performing the drainage test1 Do a leak test at the connection part of the flexiblehose and the drain pipe (PVC):1-1 Connect a general hose to the connection part ofthe flexible hose of the fan coil unit, and pour insome water.1-2 After pouring some water, reassemble therubber cap on the connection part of a flexiblehose of the fan coil unit and firmly tighten it witha band to prevent leakage.1-3 Check the leak test at the part where theadhesive for the flexible hose and the drain pipe(PVC) is used.General hoseWater leakage check partCAUTION࡙ The leak test must be performed for at least 24 hours.2 Check the condensation water drainage:2-1 Pour water into the fan coil unit drain pan or thedrainage port as shown in the figures below.࡙ Ɗ̷͔̈ߢиɇцʀɇϑϑʪϩϩʪࡠɇɵͱЇϩߢউ࡙ ߥиɇцʀɇϑϑʪϩϩʪࢥߡߧߤʀɇϑϑʪϩϩʪࡠɇɵͱЇϩߣউSlim 1 way cassetteLevelerWateroutlet4 way cassette360 cassettea When the electric cable connection is completed࡙ Turn on the fan coil unit.࡙ Operate in the Cool mode.NOTE࡙ Only in the Cool mode, you can check the correctoperation of the drain pump.b When the electric cable connection is notcompleted࡙ Remove the control box cover of the fan coil unit.࡙ Connect the power supply (single phase, 220 to240V) to the L and N terminals.࡙ Reassemble the control box cover and turn onthe fan coil unit.