33Installation ProcedureEnglishƊϩʪΧϑ ŵʪ͔ͱϩʪʀͱ͝ϩθͱ̷ʒ̈ϑΧ̷ɇцb Set the SEG12 value by pressing the (High Fan) button repeatedly until the value youwant to set appears on the remote control display.When you press the (Low Fan) or (High Fan) button, values appear in the followingorder: SEG1210 Press the (Mode) button. Їϩͱ and Į˙˙ appear on the remote control display.11 Set the SEG14 and SEG15 values:a Set the SEG14 value by pressing the (Low Fan) button repeatedly until the value youwant to set appears on the remote control display.SEG14b Set the SEG15 value by pressing the (High Fan) button repeatedly until the value youwant to set appears on the remote control display.When you press the (Low Fan) or (High Fan) button, values appear in the followingorder: SEG1512 Press the (Mode) button. Aͱͱ̷ and Į˙˙ appear on the remote control display.13 Set the SEG16 and SEG17 values:a Set the SEG16 value by pressing the (Low Fan) button repeatedly until the value youwant to set appears on the remote control display.SEG16b Set the SEG17 value by pressing the (High Fan) button repeatedly until the value youwant to set appears on the remote control display.When you press the (Low Fan) or (High Fan) button, values appear in the followingorder: SEG1714 Press the (Mode) button. Uθц and Į˙˙ appear on the remote control display.