44Installation ProcedureEnglishInstallation Procedure(*1) Minimizing fan operation when thermostat is off:– The fan operates for 20 seconds at an interval of 5 minutes in the ²ʪɇϩ mode.– When thermostat is off in the Aͱͱ̷ mode, the fan stops or Ultra breeze function starts based on thesetting.(*2) 1: The fan is turned on continually when the hot water heater is turned on,3: The fan is turned off when the hot water heater is turned on with cooling only fan coil unit.To use this option, install the Mode Select switch (MCM-C200) on the outdoor unit and fix it to the Aͱͱ̷ mode.(*3)When the following 2 or 3 is used as external heater On or Off signal, the signal for monitoring externalcontact control will not be output.2 : The fan is turned on continually when the external heater is turned on3 : The fan is turned off when the external heater is turned on with cooling only fan coil unitTo use this option, install the Mode Select switch (MCM-C200) on the outdoor unit and fix it to the Aͱͱ̷ mode.࢘Ã˙ϩ˵ʪ˙ɇ̈͝ϑϑʪϩϩͱͱ˙˙˙ͱθʀͱͱ̷̈͝˝ͱ̷͝ц˙ɇ͝ʀͱ̷̈Ї̈͝ϩɵцϑ ʪϩϩ̈͝˝ϩ˵ʪƊkߪॉߤͱθƊkߦߢॉࡡߤцͱЇ͝ʪʪʒϩͱЇϑʪɇ͝external sensor or wired remote control sensor to detect indoor temperature exactly.(* 4) Output occurs when operating in the Aͱͱ̷ or Uθц mode.(* 5) An Economizer controller is required to use the Cooling output by external equipment function.(* 6) Default setting– ߥиɇцʀɇϑϑʪϩϩʪࡠߦঐ– Įϩ˵ʪθ˙ɇ͝ʀͱ̷̈Ї̈͝ϩϑࡠߣঐ(*7) This function is only applicable for the 4 way cassettes. If the fan coil unit operates in the ²ʪɇϩ modeimmediately after finishing the cooling operation, the condensated water in the drain pan becomes watersteam by the heat of the fan coil unit heat exchanger. Since the water steam might be condensed on the fancoil unit, which may fall into a living space, use this function to remove the water steam out of the fan coilunit by operating the fan (for maximum 20 minutes) although the fan coil unit is turned off after the Aͱͱ̷mode is turned to the ²ʪɇϩ mode.(*8) When you turn off the Aͱͱ̷ or Uθц mode, the indoor unit fan automatically operates for the set time and thenstops.Ã͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ɇϩ̈ͱ͝ͱΧϩ̈ͱ͝ϑ˙ͱθϩ˵ʪߦߡϑʪθ̈ʪϑSEG1 ߣƊk ߤƊk SEG4 SEG5 ߧƊk0 5 - - - -SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 ߡߢƊk SEG11 ߣߢƊk1 - - - - -ߤߢƊk SEG14 SEG15 ߧߢƊk SEG17 SEG182 Adjustable breeze Water valve controltypeValve control atThermo OffWater pipe valve isinstalled?Control variablewhen using hotwater heater orexternal heaterSEG19 ߡߣƊk ߢߣƊk ߣߣƊk ߤߣƊk ߥߣƊk3Choose whetherto use InterfacemoduleDisplaying thewater-temperaturerise-preventionerror messagesTiming separationof the cooling andheating signals forthe water pipe valveForced air speed forʀͱͱ̷̈͝˝ࢥ˵ʪɇϩ̈͝˝ -