28Installation ProcedureEnglishInstallation ProcedureÃ͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʪуɇ͔Χ̷ʪTotal power cable length L = 100 [m], initial pull-in current i = 10 [A], running current of each unit = 1 [A], total 10 fancoil units are installed॥࣍ Coef×35.6×Lk×ik) <10% of input voltage [V]1000×Aknk=1Apply the following formula.Calculation220 [V]-2.2 [V] -2.0 [V]············ 2.5 [mm2] ············208.8 [V]: Applicable-(2.2+2.0+1.8+1.5+1.3+1.1+0.9+0.7+0.4+0.2)=-11.2 [V]2.5 [mm2] 2.5 [mm2] Within 198V to 242V࡙Installing with one type of wire220 [V]-1.4 [V] -1.2 [V]············ 2.5 [mm2] ············209.5 [V]: Applicable-(1.4+1.2+1.8+1.5+1.3+1.1+0.9+0.7+0.4+0.2)=-10.5 [V]4.0 [mm2] 4.0 [mm2]Within 198V to 242V࡙Installing with two types of wires0 [m] 10 [m] 20 [m] 100 [m]10 [A] 9 [A] 1 [A]MCCBFan coil unitFan coil unitFan coil unitELBŵɇϩʪʒʀЇθθʪ͝ϩϑAɇϩʪ˝ͱθц đͱʒʪ ŵɇϩʪʒʀЇθθʪ͝ϩ࣍࣎Slim 1 waycassetteUk²०ߢ०Ęߧߣߡ 0.24Uk²०ߢ०Ęߣߤߡ 0.26Uk²०ߢ०Ęߣߥߡ 0.294 way cassetteUç²०ߥ०Ęߡߧߡ 0.37Uç²०ߥ०Ęߣߨߡ 0.50Uç²०ߥ०Ęߡߪߡ 0.58Uç²०ߥ०Ęߦߡߢ 0.79360 cassetteťç²०ߥ०Ęߡߧߡ 0.5ťç²०ߥ०Ęߣߨߡ 0.5ťç²०ߥ०Ęߡߪߡ 0.62ťç²०ߥ०Ęߦߡߢ 0.79Select the cable thickness and wiring length so thatthe total voltage drop between the fan coil units isless than about 10% of the input voltage (220 V).࢘coef: Approximately 1.55 in consideration of the contactresistance when the wire is fastened to the terminal࢘Lk: Distance between fan coil units [m], Ak: Thickness of thepower cable [mm 2 ]ik: Current between fan coil units [A]॥࣍ Coef×35.6×Lk× ik ) <10% of input voltage [V]1000×Aknk=1