19Installation ProcedureEnglishAɇϩʪ˝ͱθц ΧΧʪɇθɇ͝ʀʪƊ̷͔̈ߢиɇцOUT (outlet)IN (inlet)ߥиɇцIN (inlet)OUT (outlet)ߡߧߤOUT (outlet)IN (inlet)CAUTION࡙ Failure to connect the water pipes may causeperformance degradation.࡙ Be sure to insulate both the inlet and outlet pipings.3 Before connecting the water pipes, be sure to install a2-way electric valve.࡙ Be sure to install the 2-way electric valve on theinlet side pipe.࡙ Ǯ˵ʪ͝ʀ̈θʀЇ̷ɇϩ̈͝˝ʀͱ̷ʒࢥ˵ͱϩиɇϩʪθࡡͱΧʪ͝ϩ˵ʪɇ̈θЭʪ͝ϩvalve and use a tube to receive water so that theair inside the pipe and coil is sufficiently removed,and then close the valve. Failure to do so maycause performance degradation and noise.࡙ Before connecting the water pipes., check ifϩ˵ʪиɇϩʪθΧ̈Χʪ̷ʪӱɵ̷ʪϩЇɵʪ̷࣍ͱͱϑʪ͝Їϩťߥࢥߤ࣎specification is correct. After connecting the waterpipes, remove foreign objects from them, and thencirculate water to check for water leakage.øͱͱϑʪ͝Їϩ࣍ťߥࢥߤ࣎ Flexible tubeøͱͱϑʪ͝Їϩ࣍ťߥࢥߤ࣎Air vent valveCeilingInstallation site area2-way electricvalveCAUTION࡙ Be sure to install a 2-way electric valve on the waterpipe inlet of the fan coil unit.Failure to do so may cause condensation and productmalfunction.࡙ Attach a 40 mesh strainer to the inlet piping(Installation site area)࡙ If there is no strainer installed, foreign objectsmay enter the pipe, causing malfunction andperformance degradation to the 2-way electric valve,condensation, or water leakage, etc.࡙ When the temperature of intake water is higher thanߦߧঐࡡϩ˵ʪΧθͱϩʪʀϩ̈ͱ͝ʀͱ͝ϩθͱ̷ͱ˙ϩ˵ʪΧθͱʒЇʀϩ͔ɇцɵʪactivated.࡙ Ã˙ϩ˵ʪͱЇϩϑ̈ʒʪϩʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪ ̈ϑ̷ͱиʪ θϩ˵ɇ͝ߡঐʒЇθ̈͝˝winter, the inside of the heat exchanger may freezeand burst. To prevent this, operate a water pump andoperate the product to open the 2-way electric valve.࡙ When the product is not used for a long period oftime in winter, drain all the water from the heatexchanger and the entire water piping system.࡙ If both the room temperature and the pipingϩʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪɇθʪߦ ঐͱθ̷ʪϑϑࡡϩ˵ʪߣࣗ иɇцʪ̷ ʪʀϩθ̈ʀЭɇ̷Эʪautomatically opens to prevent freezing and bursting.࡙ Use frost preventive additives to prevent thecirculating water from freezing in winter.࡙ Check if the rated flow rate is being supplied.Low flow rates may cause performance degradationor product malfunction.4 Wind Teflon tape (10 to 15 times) around the threadsͱ˙ϩ˵ʪиɇϩʪθΧ̈Χʪ̷̈͝ʪϩࢥͱЇϩ̷ʪϩ̷ʪӱɵ̷ʪϩЇɵʪͱ˙ϩ˵ʪ˙ɇ͝coil unit in the thread direction.CAUTION࡙ When connecting the pipes, tighten sufficiently witha monkey wrench and a torque wrench as shown inthe figure above. Failure to do so may cause waterleakage.࡙ When operating the product for the first time orrestarting it after a long period of stoppage, open theair vent valve of the heat exchanger and use a tube toreceive water so that the air inside the pipe and coil issufficiently removed, and then close the valve.