A – Command Line InterfaceZoneset Command59097-02 B A-135AZoneset CommandManages zone sets and component zones across the fabric.Authority Admin session and a Zoning Edit session. Refer to the ”Zoning Command” onpage A-138 for information about starting a Zoning Edit session. The Active, List,and Zones keywords are available without an Admin session. You must close theZoning Edit session before using the Activate and Deactivate keywords.Syntax zonesetactivate [zone_set]activeadd [zone_set] [zone_list]copy [zone_set_source] [zone_set_destination]create [zone_set]deactivatedelete [zone_set]listremove [zone_set] [zone_list]rename [zone_set_old] [zone_set_new]zones [zone_set]Keywords activate [zone_set]Activates the zone set given by [zone_set]. This keyword deactivates the activezone set. Close the Zoning Edit session before using this keyword.activeDisplays the name of the active zone set. This keyword does not require Adminsession.add [zone_set] [zone_list]Adds a list of zones and aliases given by [zone_list] to the zone set given by[zone_set]. Use a to delimit zone and alias names in [zone_list].copy [zone_set_source] [zone_set_destination]Creates a new zone set named [zone_set_destination] and copies into it thezones from the zone set given by [zone_set_source].create [zone_set]Creates the zone set with the name given by [zone_set]. A zone set name mustbegin with a letter and be no longer than 64 characters. Valid characters are 0-9,A-Z, a-z, _, $, ^, and -. The zoning database supports a maximum of 256 zonesets.