4 – Managing SwitchesManaging User Accounts4-2 59097-02 BS4.1Managing User AccountsOnly the Admin account can manage user accounts with the User AccountAdministration dialogs. However, any user can modify their own password. Toopen the User Account Administration dialogs, open the Switch menu in thefaceplate display, and select User Accounts.... A user account consists of thefollowing: Account name or login Password Authority level Expiration dateSwitches come from the factory with the following user accounts:The Admin account is the only user that can manage all user accounts with theUser Account Administration dialogs. The Admin account can create, remove, ormodify user accounts, and change account passwords. The Admin account canalso view and modify the switch and its configuration with SANsurfer SwitchManager. The Admin account can not be removed.Users with Admin authority can view and modify the switch and its configurationusing SANsurfer Switch Manager. Users without Admin authority are limited toviewing switch status and configuration.The Images account is used to exchange files with the switch using FTP. TheImages account can not be removed.Table 4-1. Factory User AccountsAccount Name Password Admin Authority Expirationadmin admin true never expiresimages images false never expiresNOTE: If the same user account exists on a switch and its RADIUS server,that user can login with either password, but the authority and accountexpiration will always come from the switch database.