25[Light control mode]Select the light control mode from the following.Indoor scene (50 Hz)Indoor scene (60 Hz):Flicker caused by fluorescent lighting will be auto-matically compensated. Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz cor-responding to the location where the camera is inuse.ELC (Maximum exposure time): The lighting controlwill be automatically performed by adjusting shutterspeed in the range of ELC.ELC(1/30s)/ ELC(3/100s)/ ELC(3/120s)/ ELC(2/100s)/ELC(2/120s)/ ELC(1/100s)/ ELC(1/120s)/ ELC(1/250s)/ELC(1/500s)/ ELC(1/1000s)/ ELC(1/2000s)/ELC(1/4000s)/ ELC(1/8000s)*1/ ELC(1/10000s)*2Default: ELC(1/30s)Note:• The shorter the maximum exposure time is (->1/8000s* 1, 1/10000s*2), the higher possibility tocapture a fast moving object with less blur.• When a faster shutter speed is selected, the sensi-tivity will become lower. When a faster shutterspeed is selected, flickering may happen.• In case flickering happens, it may be improved byconfiguring the following settings.In the area of 50 Hz power supply frequency:3/100s, 2/100 s, 1/100sIn the area of 60 Hz power supply frequency:3/100s, 2/120 s, 1/100sWhen flickering still remains, set flicker-less mode.• Under extremely strong lighting, flickering may hap-pen even when "Indoor scene" is selected for "Lightcontrol mode".When the brightness (illuminance) level on thescreen is set to a relatively low level with the[Brightness] buttons, flickering may frequently hap-pen.• In such cases, either of the following can reduceflickering.• Moderate the illumination intensities of objects bychanging the camera direction.• Set the brightness (illuminance) level on the screento a brighter level with the [Brightness] buttons.*1 SP105*2 SP102[AGC]Select a method of gain adjustment from the following.On(High)/ On(Mid)/ On(Low): When the luminance ofthe subject becomes darker, gain will be automati-cally incremented and screen will become brighter."High", "Mid" and "Low" are indications of gainlevel.Off: Images will be captured with the fixed gain level.Default: On(High)[Auto slow shutter]The electronic sensitivity enhancement (sensitivity up)can be carried out by adjusting the storage time ofMOS.The following are available for the recording duration.Off(1/30s), Max. 2/30s, Max. 3/30s*2, Max. 4/30s, Max.6/30s* 1, Max. 8/30s*2, Max. 10/30s*1, Max. 16/30s*1Default: Off(1/30s)*1 SP105*2 SP102Important:• When "On" is selected for "Auto slow shutter",frame rate may become lower. Noise or white dots(blemishes) may sometimes appear.Note:• When "Max. 16/30s" is selected, for example, sen-sitivity will automatically be increased up to x16.• When "Gain" is set to "Off" or ELC (maximum expo-sure time) is set to other than 1/30, "Auto slow shut-ter" is set to Off (1/30 s).[Simple black & white mode]Select switching between the color mode and the black& white mode from the following.Off: The color mode is selected.Auto: Switches from color to black-and-white imageswhen the ambient brightness (illuminance) of thecamera is approx.4 lx or less.Default: Off[White balance]Select a method of white balance adjustment from thefollowing.White color can be adjusted by "Red gain" and "Bluegain".