English74Preset SignalsFollowing signal timing is preset to this unit.These preset signals are written on EDID of the each input terminal. (Except for *6)In many cases, it is possible to receive the signals other than below with this unit’s multi scan function. (Except for 4Ksignal)Mark: Preset signalSignal name H-Freq.(kHz)V-Freq.(Hz)Dot clockfrequency(Hz)PC IN HDMI 1HDMI 2HDMI 3HDMI 4DVI-D INDIGITALLINK DisplayPort525 (480) / 60i 15.73 59.94 13.5625 (576) / 50i 15.63 50.00 13.5525 (480) / 60i*2 15.75 60.00 27.0625 (576) / 50i 15.63 50.00 27.0525 (480) / 60p*2 31.50 60.00 27.0625 (576) / 50p 31.25 50.00 27.0750 (720) / 60p*2 45.00 60.00 74.25750 (720) / 50p 37.50 50.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 60i*1 *2 33.75 60.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 50i*1 28.13 50.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 24p*1 *2 27.00 24.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 25p*1 28.13 25.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 30p*1 *2 33.75 30.00 74.251 125 (1080) / 60p*1 *2 67.50 60.00 148.51 125 (1080) / 50p*1 56.25 50.00 148.5640 × 480 (VGA) 31.47 59.94 25.18800 × 600 (SVGA) 37.88 60.32 40.001 024 × 768 (XGA) 48.36 60.00 65.001 280 × 768 47.70 60.00 80.14 *61 366 × 768 48.39 60.04 86.71 *61 280 × 1 024 (SXGA) 63.98 60.02 108.01 600 × 900 60.00 60.00 108.01 920 × 1 080 67.50 60.00 148.51 920 × 1 200 (UXGA) 74.04 59.95 154.04K signal3 840 / 24p*2 54.00 24.00 297.03 840 / 25p 56.25 25.00 297.03 840 / 30p*2 67.50 30.00 297.04 096 / 24p*2 54.00 24.00 297.03 840 / 50p 112.5 50.00 594.0 *4 *53 840 / 60p*2 135.0 60.00 594.0 *4 *54 096 / 50p 112.5 50.00 594.0 *44 096 / 60p*2 135.0 60.00 594.0 *44K (Dual Link) signal3 840 / 50p 112.5 50.00 297.0 *33 840 / 60p*2 135.0 60.00 297.0 *34 096 / 50p 112.5 50.00 297.0 *3 *64 096 / 60p*2 135.0 60.00 297.0 *3 *6*1: Based on SMPTE 274M standard. *4: Supported in YC BC R 4:2:0 format*2: Compatible with frame frequency 1/1.001 *5: Supported with MST(Multi Stream Transport) only*3: The format supports Dual Link. (see page 16) *6: Not written on EDIDIn some cases, these signals may not be displayed when setting Resolution on your PC.Note● Signals without above specification may not be displayed properly.● For the signals when 3G-SDI Terminal Board with Audio is installed, refer to the manual included with it.