83Aspect modePicture Enlarged screen DescriptionAll Aspect:OnFactory settingAll Aspect: Off16:9 FULLThe display of the pictures lls the screen.In the case of SD signals, pictures with a 4:3 aspectratio are enlarged horizontally, and displayed. Thismode is suited to displaying anamorphic pictures witha 16:9 aspect ratio.14:9 –Letterbox pictures with a 14:9 aspect ratio are enlargedvertically and horizontally so that their display lls thescreen vertically and is slightly smaller than the screenhorizontally. The top and bottom edges of the picturesare cut off. Side panels are displayed at the left andright edges of the screen.JustJUSTPictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio are enlarged horizontallyso that the picture distortion is minimized. The display ofthe areas around the left and right edges of the screenis slightly elongated.Just1Just2 JUSTPictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio are enlarged horizontallyso that the picture distortion is minimized. The left andright edges of the pictures are cut off. The display ofthe areas around the left and right edges of the screenis slightly elongated.4:34:3Pictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio are displayed with theiroriginal aspect ratio. Side panels are displayed at theleft and right edges of the screen.4:3 (1)4:3 (2) 4:3Pictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio are displayed with theiroriginal aspect ratio. The left and right edges of thepictures are masked by side panels.4:3 Full H-FILLPictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio are enlarged horizontallyso that their display lls the screen. The left and rightedges of the pictures are cut off.ZoomZOOMLetterbox pictures with a 16:9 aspect ratio are enlargedvertically and horizontally so that their display lls thescreen. The top and bottom edges of the pictures arecut off.Zoom1Zoom2 ZOOMLetterbox pictures with a 16:9 aspect ratio are enlargedvertically and horizontally so that their display lls thescreen. The top and bottom edges as well as the leftand right edges of the pictures are cut off.Zoom3 –Letterbox pictures with a 2.35:1 aspect ratio areenlarged vertically and horizontally so that their displaylls the screen vertically and is slightly larger than thescreen horizontally. The top and bottom edges as wellas the left and right edges of the pictures are cut off.List of Aspect ModesFor TH-80LFB70U