59Touch Screen SettingsSets the multi-touch function and built-in WhiteBoard.Select “Touch Screen Settings” in “Setup” menu and press button.Touch Screen SettingsTouch ScreenWHITEBOARD SettingsOnOnQuick LaunchOnFlick menu barAuto SaveBuilt-in Memory SettingWhiteOffInitial BackgroundWHITEBOARD SettingsQuick LaunchWhen this is set to “On”, the built-in WhiteBoard will be in the standby mode when the display is in the standby mode(power OFF with remote control) and the start up is quicker.Notes:• When set to “On”, the power consumption during standby is higher.• This sett ing is automatically turned “On” and cannot be changed in the following cases.When “Slot power” is set to “On” and Terminal Board is installedWhen “Control I/F Select” is set to “DIGITAL LINK/LAN”When “Wireless Network Standby” is set to “On”Initial BackgroundSets the initial background colour to create a new page on the WhiteBoard.Auto SaveSets the Auto Save function of the WhiteBoard to a built-in memory or a USB memory.On: Saves the drawing contents automatically when the page is changed while drawing on the WhiteBoard withoutprompting to save.Off: Prompts users to save when the page is changed while drawing on the WhiteBoard.Built-in MemorySets the built-in memory usage.Set either “On” or “Off” and select “Save”.Built-in Memory SettingSaveBuilt-in Memory OffConrmation screen is displayed. Select “Yes” to apply the settings.Yes NoAll annotation will be lost.Do you want to continue?Built-in Memory SettingTouch ScreenTo enable the multi-touch function, set this to “On”.When this is set to “On”, “WHITEBOARD Settings” are enabled.Flick menu barOn: Enables to display the control menu with swipe.Off: Disables to display the control menu with swipe.However you can display the menu with button operation on the mainunit. (see page 28)On: Built-in memory can be used.Off: Built-in memory is disabled. Files saved in the built-in memory will bedeleted.