1.17 T198 Feature Manual1.17.4 Time ServiceDescriptionTime modes are used by many PBX features to determine how they will function during different times ofday. For example, incoming calls can be directed to sales staff during the day and to a Voice ProcessingSystem (VPS) at night, extension users can be prohibited from making long distance calls during lunch time,etc.There are four time modes—day, lunch, break, and night. The start and end times of each time mode areprogrammed for each day of the week in a Time Table. Each Time Table has a number which correspondsto the tenant it serves, i.e., Tenant 1 uses Time Table 1, etc.1. Time Service Switching ModeThe current time mode can switch automatically to another time mode at the preprogrammed timeassigned in the Time Table. It is possible, however, to switch time modes manually.Whether time modes are normally switched manually or automatically is determined through systemprogramming. Each tenant is assigned a switching mode.2. Time TableEach tenant has a Time Table that is used when the tenant is in Automatic Time Service Switchingmode. Each Time Table has four basic modes—day, lunch, break, and night—and also provides formultiple "breaks", such as morning breaks and afternoon breaks, and multiple "days", such as themorning shift and the afternoon shift following lunch.A tenant's Time Table is programmed to control when each time mode starts (and therefore, ends) andcan be programmed separately for each day of the week.Each Time Table has a number which corresponds to the tenant number of the tenant it serves. (Tenant1 uses Time Table 1, etc.)Time ModeSwitching Description ConditionAutomatic The current time mode will switchautomatically to another time mode atthe time programmed in the tenant'sTime Table, and can be switchedmanually by pressing the Time Servicebutton or by dialing the Time ServiceSwitch feature number.The current time mode (day/lunch/break/night) and the switching mode(automatic/manual) can be switchedmanually by an extension assigned as amanager, or by an extension whoseClass of Service (COS) is authorized.Manual The current time mode will switch onlywhen the Time Service button is pressedor when the Time Service Switch featurenumber is dialed.