● If there are two headers, data following the second header is overwritten and the data isstored in the receive buffer.● The reception done flag R913A is turned OFF by the F159 (MTRN) instruction. Therefore, ifF159 (MTRN) is executed at the same time as the reception of the terminator, the receptiondone flag will not be detected.■ When sending data: The reception done flag, the transmission done flag, and theF159 (MTRN) instruction are related as follows:baba<2> <1> <2> <1> <0>ba<0>ba<0>dec<3>STX ETXETX STXa b c d e<0>ONOFFONOFFdecdecdecdecSend dataTransmissiondone flagR913BExecute F159(MTRN) instructionSendNumber of unsent bytesWrite pointerSend SendDuplex transmission isdisabled while MTRN isbeing executedbuffer● Header (STX) and terminator (ETX) are automatically added to send data that is transmittedto an external device.● When F159 (MTRN) is executed, the transmission done flag R913B turns OFF.● Duplex transmission is disabled while F159 (MTRN) is being executed. The transmissiondone flag R913B must be observed.■ Special relaysCOM0 COM1 COM2Reception done flag during general-purpose communication R9132 (R903E) R913A (R9038) R9142 (R9048)Transmission done flag during general-purpose communication R9133 (R903F) R913B (R9039) R9143 (R9049)(Note 1) The Nos. in brackets indicate devices that are compatible with existing FP-X / FPsigma.7.3 Flag Operations in Transmission / Reception7-12 WUME-FP0HCOM-06