10.7 MODBUS RTU Format10.7.1 MODBUS RTU Command Format■ MODBUS RTU command formatSTART ADDRESS FUNCTION DATA CRC CHECK END3.5-Charactertime8 bits 8 bits n*8 bits 16 bits 3.5-CharactertimeADDRESS (UnitNo.):8 bits, 0 to 247 (decimal)Note) 0 = Broadcast addressFUNCTION: 8 bitsDATA: Varies depending on commands.CRC: 16 bitsEND: 3.5-character time (Varies by baud rate. Refer to reception judgment time.)■ Reception judgment timeThe process for receiving a message completes when the time that is exceeding the timementioned below has passed after the final data was received. Reception done judgment timeis time for approx. 32 bits.Baud rate Reception done judgmenttime1200 Approx. 26.7 ms2400 Approx. 13.3 ms4800 Approx. 6.7 ms9600 Approx. 3.3 ms19200 Approx. 1.7 ms38400 Approx. 0.8 ms57600 Approx. 0.6 ms115200 Approx. 0.3 ms230400 Approx. 0.14 ms10.7.2 MODBUS RTU Response Format■ Response in normal status● The same message as a command is returned for a single write command or for a loop backtest.● A part of a command message (6 bytes from the beginning) is returned for multiple writecommand.10.7 MODBUS RTU Format10-30 WUME-FP0HCOM-06