Code Description(c) Sending data Data in the send buffer is sent from COM1 port.● Do not include the terminator (end code) in the send data. The terminator is addedautomatically.● When the header (start code) is set to “STX” in system register No.413 or 414, do not add theheader to send data. The header is added automatically.● When using AFP0HCCS1, transmission does not take place until CS (Clear to Send) turns ON.If you are not going to connect to the other device, connect to RS (Request to Send).● The maximum number of bytes to be sent [n] is 2048.7.1.2 Overview of Sending Data (For Type with Ethernet Function)Communication with external devices is handled through the data registers. When data to besent is stored in the data register (DT) used as a send buffer, and F159 (MTRN) instruction isexecuted, the data is outputted from the COM port.PLCData register (DT) Send a command aligned to anexternal deviceReceive a response from anexternal deviceSend dataReceive dataRS-232C, RS-485,etc. (commerciallyavailable)● When using both the serial communication and Ethernet communication within aprogram, specify the serial communication port using the F469 (UNITSEL) instructionbefore executing the F159 (MTRN) instruction.■ Sample programThe following program sends a string “ABCDEFGH (Hex)” to an external device via COM1 port.The program is executed in the following sequence.1. “ABCDEFGH” is converted to an ASCII code and stored in a data register.2. Specify K0 (serial communication port) for the F469 (UNITSEL) instruction.3. The data of 1) above is sent from COM1 port using an F159 (MTRN) instruction.7.1 Overview of Sending DataWUME-FP0HCOM-06 7-3