③F0 MV DT11H1001Execution of RECVinstructionSpecification of thetransfer method and thenumber of transfer wordsF0 MV DT10H2①⑨⑧⑤④②R0R10DT100K400DT0DT10F146 RECV④④R913C⑦⑥K0K0F469UNITSELSpecification of the COMport number of a masterunitSpecification of thecommunication port(Note 1) The slave side may not be able to respond, when the scan time of PLC as a master unit is short andinterval between transmission sessions is short. In such cases, insert a timer instruction into theexecution conditions for instructions, and make the sending interval longer.Code Description(1)Transfer method andthe number of transferwordsSpecify the number of words in higher words of control data.Range: H1 to H1FD (1 word to 509 words)(2) COM port No. of amaster unitSpecify a COM port No. for the higher 4 bits in lower words of control data.HF: COM0 port; H1: COM1 port; H2: COM2 port(3) Unit number of adestination unitSpecify a unit number of a destination unit for the lower 8 bits in lower words ofcontrol data.Range: H01 to H63 (K1 to K99)(4) Memory area to storecontrol dataSpecify the starting number of the area (2 words) that specifies the transfermethod and the number of transfer data.(5)SEND/RECVinstruction executionflagThis is inserted to confirm that no SEND / RECV instruction is in progress forthe same port. Turns ON when an instruction is executable.(6) Communication port ofthe master unitSpecify the communication port of the master unit. To perform serialcommunication, specify the serial communication port (K0).K0: Serial communication port(7) COM port No. When directly specifying the COM port No. using the F146 (RECV) instruction,specify K0.(8)Destination unit senddata storageareaUsing two operands, specify the type and relative address of the memory areaof a destination unit that stores receive data.(9)Master unit memoryareato store receive dataSpecify the memory area of the master unit that stores receive data.(Note 1) For details of instruction programming, refer to "8.1.3 F146 REC [MEWTOCOL Master Receiver(Serial Communication)]".5.2 MEWTOCOL-COM Master Communication (RECV)5-6 WUME-FP0HCOM-06